Our gatherings are usually on Sundays…. 11:00 am – 4:00 pm (Times may vary )
A light lunch and refreshments will be provided and you are invited to bring a small gift to exchange with another in our women’s circle. Food contributions to share are welcomed.
Cost £35
We will be enjoying the changing seasons, giving thanks for the energies of the earth, and wisdom from the skies. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the woodland. The sessions are full of wild living skills, craft and spiritual fulfilment. A day full of warm smiles and long hugs, a shared love of nature, creativity and connection. Celebrate and enjoy the woodland with other women. Get breathing and be fully alive!
Booking essential.
Continued monthly dates are:
Mar 24th, April 28th, May 19th, June 30th, Sept 29th, Oct 20th (1.30-4.30pm £21), Nov 17th, Dec 15th 2024.
Friday evenings 7.30 -10pm.