Wood Rangers
Monthly Saturday Forest School
For children over 8 years of age. Children age 5-11 years can attend half day either morning or afternoon with lunchtime.
Morning option. 10-12:30 pm £20.00 per child
All day option 10-3.30 pm Please bring a packed lunch. £35 per child.
Every 2nd Saturday of the month (some amendments occasionally due to diary schedules) children can attend forest school and enjoy wild woodland games, and nature exploration in our beautiful private ancient woodland. Experience den and shelter building, bush craft and fire-lighting. Pond dipping and animal tracking too… Try craft and exciting ‘earth’ based activities outdoors, in all weathers and changing seasons….
It’s fun, healthy, and educational. Helping to build confidence and self-esteem and improve wellbeing. The children learn so much through playing out in nature.
Dates for 2022 are March 11th, May 13th, June 10th, July 9th, Sept 9th, Nov 11th, Dec 9th.
Booking essential.